Buyer motivation is a key area that all sales professionals are looking at keenly in order to influence the buying process. A consumer’s need to buy a product or pay for a service is ultimately driven by their personal circumstances, but a salesperson can still stimulate the desire and develop a compelling reason for the customer to buy.

Good salesmanship lies not in selling the product itself but in selling the benefits of the product to the customer. It should be tailored according to the customer’s needs; and they should be made aware of the product’s value proposition. It’s important to win the customer’s confidence in order to complete a sale successfully. An effective value proposition is the one that drives forward the relationship between a brand and the consumer, and influences their buying decisions.

To create a buying need, it’s important to first understand the target market. Companies must get to know their customers and what motivates them to buy. Market research is a great tool to map the market and to gauge consumer experience. It’s essential for a company to identify the gaps in service and assess how they can change that for their customers. If a customer has a problem, give them a solution; however, the product must be superior to what the competitors are offering and a strong emphasis must be laid on the product’s unique benefits. It is easy to discard this step in favour of more elaborate sales techniques, but in the first month of a new year, it’s always worth revisiting the basics.

Rather than selling the product, sell the concept of the product to the customer. The consumer is more likely to be influenced into buying if they are shown the bigger picture.

So how can you motivate a customer to buy your product or service?

• Create the need for the product or service in the customer’s mind

• Show how it will generate value for them

• Differentiate the product from what’s available in the market

• Outline value proposition of the product clearly

• Sell the benefits associated with the product in terms of costs savings, increased customer
satisfaction, etc.

Triggering the motivation to buy is the most important step in the buying process. It is an essential part of the customer’s journey; from being introduced to the product to making the buying decision.

Have you successfully influenced a customer’s buying decision? How?

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