All sales roles differ slightly, but there are some aspects of those found within the FMCG sector which are likely to be relatively similar. If you are considering a career within FMCG sales, here’s a brief guide to what you can expect.

The FMCG industry is currently one of the most popular destinations for those looking to build a career in sales, partly due to the fact that it is a sector which performed comparatively well throughout the recession. Therefore, you’ll need to be driven and thrive on the competition if you want to make it to the top. You’ll need to be self-motivated and have a good commercial awareness of FMCG brands.

A Fast Pace
By its very nature, FMCG is a fast-paced industry, and this is reflected within the majority of sales teams. However, individuals who can keep on top of industry changes and contribute to a brand increasing their revenue or market share are likely to progress quickly in their sales career. Depending on the brands who you are working with, the FMCG sector can offer the opportunity to experience being part of a local, global or national sales team.

Working within an FMCG sales role can require thinking out of the box. This is often the place where innovative sales strategies are developed and creativity can be the key to success. You should have a passion for the industry as a whole, as well as for developing you sales skills, and be determined to stand out from the crowd.

What skills could you bring to an FMCG sales role?

Hays Sales UK are experts in all areas of sales recruitment. To find out more about how our highly skilled consultants can support you, please visit our website.

Behind the best sales teams there is often a great sales leader. However, if you wish to stay ahead of your competitors, then it is worth reviewing your leadership strategy on a regular basis and working to improve your sales leadership skills. Here are just a few tips on how to be a better leader to your sales team and ensure continuing sales success:

Play to Your Strengths
It is more than likely that not everyone in your team will approach sales in exactly the same way. Some sales leaders see it as their responsibility to ensure that team members conform to a particular sales strategy, yet it can also be worth considering how your team might play to their individual strengths. Getting to know members of your team and understanding how they work best can be key in ensuring that your team are as effective as possible.

Inspire Your Team
Sales targets are far from the only way of making sure that your sales team remain motivated. Those working in sales leadership should not only understand how to motivate a team, but also how to inspire them. Share your vision as well as your personal sales tips, techniques and experiences if you really want to get your entire team on board.

Delegate and Filter
As a sales leader, you will be bridging the gap between salespeople and sales managers. As such, it is important to recognise how much information needs to be relayed between teams, and what should be given priority. In any leadership role, being able to delegate effectively is also essential, and it is worth evaluating how well you do this on a regular basis.

Sales methods and strategies are constantly evolving and, as a sales leader, you will need to make sure that you stay ahead of the trend. Don’t be afraid to implement a new approach – being a good leader is likely to involve taking a few risks. Never let yourself or your team get stuck in a sales rut and always be open to new ideas which might help to increase sales.

How do you make sure your team stay ahead of the latest sales trends?

Hays Sales UK are experts in all areas of sales recruitment. To find out more about how our highly skilled consultants can support you, please visit our website.

A big part of the sales manager’s role is to monitor the strategies being used to drive sales and recognise when a change needs to be made in the approach of a sales person or team. However, implementing a new sales strategy is not always easy, especially amongst those who have been working in a certain way for a long time. Here are a few suggestions as to how you can implement a sales strategy as seamlessly as possible.

1. Plan 
Before you even begin to think about implementing a new sales strategy, you will need to draw up a clear plan of the changes which need to be made and how you will go about making them. If you only have a vague idea of how to improve sales, then your new strategy is unlikely to prove successful. Try and iron out any issues which might occur before you introduce your strategy plan to the rest of your team.

2. Clarify
Whilst you may have a clear understanding of why certain strategy changes need to be made, it is important that the rest of your sales team do too. After all, if employees have been meeting their sales targets, then they may be of the opinion that such a change is unnecessary. Take time to explain why you are changing the way that you work and what you hope it will achieve.

3. Give Training
Don’t assume that everyone will be able to instantly adapt to a new sales strategy. Some members of your sales team may not have the necessary skills to facilitate a new approach, but a small amount of training could supply a simple solution.

4. Measure
Make sure you have a method in place to measure the success of any new strategy. Not only is this essential for monitoring the impact on sales, but it is also a good opportunity to demonstrate to your team why certain changes are being made to the way in which they work.

5. Ask for Feedback
Even if sales figures have improved since implementing a new strategy, it is still worth asking members of your team for feedback. There may be problems which you have not anticipated or experienced, but which still need addressing. This can help to shape your strategy and ensure that it becomes as effective as possible.

6. Encourage
It often takes time to get used to working with a new sales strategy, so it is worth rewarding the extra effort that your team will be putting in. Initially, it may seem as if your strategy is not as successful as was hoped, and so it is important that your team do not become demotivated. Recognising the efforts of those adhering to the new strategy plans can also be a good way to avoid team members slipping back into their old sales habits.

7. Fine Tune
As your team become more comfortable with working in a new way, it is important to take time to fine tune your strategy. In addition, this is also the perfect opportunity to review your own strategy implementation process, so you can ensure that any future changes will be executed even more smoothly.

How do you avoid disruption when implementing a new sales strategy?

Hays Sales UK are experts in all areas of sales recruitment. To find out more about how our highly skilled consultants can support you, please visit our website.

Making the perfect pitch can prove crucial, whether you’re selling a product or service, or looking to win a new project with an existing client. Going the extra mile to impress your audience can be one of the best ways to get ahead of the competition. With this in mind, here are a few top tips to ensure that your pitch packs a punch:

- Know What You’re Pitching
Firstly, you will need to make sure that you know the product or service which you are selling inside out. You should be able to explain what you are selling and why, without using industry jargon. You will also want to ensure that you are able to clearly and confidently answer any questions which come your way at the end of your pitch.

- Know Who You’re Pitching To
A little background research can go a long way. Tailoring your sales pitch to cater for the specific needs and concerns of the person or company to whom you are pitching will not only help to present a convincing argument, but it will also demonstrate your personal expertise within the field. This can be essential in gaining the client’s trust and, therefore, their business.

- Be Enthusiastic
You must also make sure that you appear passionate about what you are selling. If you don’t believe what you are telling your clients, then they won’t either. That said, you should avoid speaking too quickly or talking for longer than you really need to. Keep your pitch concise and focus on what you have to offer.

- Be Engaging
Visual aids can be a good way to ensure that your pitch is interesting and memorable. However, one of the biggest mistakes which you can make is to read directly from your notes or from a slideshow presentation – your audience will quickly switch off and stop listening to what you have to say. If appropriate, product demonstrations can also be a good way to engage with your audience. If you’re using technical aids, then give yourself enough time to set up your presentation before your clients arrive.

- Be Convincing
Confidence is key when it comes to making the perfect pitch. If you appear nervous then you are unlikely to be able to persuade your client to make an investment. Make eye contact with the people you are talking to, avoid fidgeting and don’t forget to smile.

What are your top tips for making the perfect pitch?

Hays Sales UK are experts in all areas of sales recruitment. To find out more about how our highly skilled consultants can support you, please visit our website.

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